We got home safely from Namibia on Friday after an overnight flight with our 18 month old...he screamed so they upgraded us to first class! Result - he slept in there!
Namibia is a beautiful country. I was there a couple of years ago with the Diocese as we are twinned with Namibia and spent much more time with the local people in some really rural parts of northern namibia. This time it was more of a holiday and so the people that we were with were either tourists or rich namibians. The gap between rich and poor is massive - i think that Namibia is about 13th from the bottom of the World Deprivation Index and yet the places that i visited this time almost hid that grim fact. I guess i cope by over-tipping and making sure that i am aware of the reality of the situation.
Stayed in some beautiful places, i think that my favourite was the beach house in swakpmond - stunning and cheap as chips...
Anyway I've uploaded a few photos here. They're okay but I'm still a bit of an SLR fan so most photos are on the SLR.
Technorati Tags: travel
Welcome back!
Posted by: Eyan | May 21, 2006 at 08:51 PM