You can tell I'm off work...I'm watching the news again! And three things today are titillating my intellect:
1 - I'm really annoyed with The Sun's bullying of Gordon Brown. Why do we let bully's like The Sun get away with it?
2 - - Do you want to guarantee that your date will always be beautiful? Only beautiful people accepted on this online dating agency...apparently there have been over 200,000 people rejected! Are you beautiful enough? If you're Brazilian (i.e. born in Brazil in case there is any confusion...) you're more likely to be accepted than if you're English.
3 - Those Euro-lottery winners and happiness. I've done the lottery once, I'm not a fan - It perpetuates an escapist mindset. Will they be happier? Does money equate to happiness, not so according to 'The Spirit Level'...the authors of which will be at next years Greenbelt.
Okay back to the PhD...I'm rather pleased to be working on the structure of a document called conclusions...
Tags: BenEdson,
Well lets see if I get accepted onto :-) Congrats about getting to the drafting stage of the conclusion. I'm at the beginning of the last section, the beginning of the end. Although I could really do with some escapism - maybe I'll play the lottery...
Posted by: gareth | November 10, 2009 at 02:44 PM