I'm getting a bit sick of the sanctimonious blame that Obama is placing on BP about the Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico. The oil spill is an environment disaster and I don't want to downplay that, BP may have cut corners, they may have underestimated the extent of the spill but the US needs to acknowledge that it is by far the biggest consumer of oil and therefore it is in-part responsible for creating the demand that has led to deep water drilling.
Driving huge cars, flying everywhere, producing packaging has environmental consequences in the medium and long term, drilling for oil feeds that demand - but when it goes wrong it has short term environmental consequences. The choice that we make drive that need and rather than point the finger at someone else let us change our behaviour so that we are not responsible for the demand.
In the Old Testament there are times when disaster brings about change in behaviour but I have the feeling that this disaster will not bring about a change in behaviour. Rather than putting so much energy into the 'blame game' why doesn't Obama start a process when the people take collective responsibility for what has happened with the hope of bringing about a change in behaviour. Let's concentrate on the plank in our own eye before pointing at the speck in someone elses (even if the speck is a rather big one...).
Driving huge cars, flying everywhere, producing packaging has environmental consequences in the medium and long term, drilling for oil feeds that demand - but when it goes wrong it has short term environmental consequences. The choice that we make drive that need and rather than point the finger at someone else let us change our behaviour so that we are not responsible for the demand.
In the Old Testament there are times when disaster brings about change in behaviour but I have the feeling that this disaster will not bring about a change in behaviour. Rather than putting so much energy into the 'blame game' why doesn't Obama start a process when the people take collective responsibility for what has happened with the hope of bringing about a change in behaviour. Let's concentrate on the plank in our own eye before pointing at the speck in someone elses (even if the speck is a rather big one...).
O'Bama's 'tough' stance on BP is as much linked to the economic down turn that he began his Presidency with as it is the need for companies to be responsible for their own dirt. I completely agree with you about the consumer driven pressure on the producer and the need for America to hold up its hands and say, 'This is a sure sign that we need to take steps to lower our fosil fuel consumption and our carbon emmissions.' Truth is it is politics and politics is driven by the people with lots of spending power and those people don't want consumption and emmissions lowered because it will mean less profits for them. Was it ever thus!
Posted by: martin hill | June 15, 2010 at 10:46 AM
Interesting speech from Obama overnight. ""Countries like China are investing in clean-energy jobs and industries that should be right here in America. Each day, we send nearly US$1 billion of our wealth to foreign countries for their oil. The tragedy unfolding on our coast is the most painful and powerful reminder yet that the time to embrace a clean energy future is now."
Maybe he was reading your blog Ben :)
Posted by: steve | June 17, 2010 at 12:16 AM